Role of Omega 6/Omega3 Fatty Acid in Life_Juniper Publishers
Because of awareness in population the consumption of
total fat and saturated fat intake has drastically reduced. But
unknowingly intake of Omega 6 fatty acids is increased. At the same time
the intake of Omega 3 fatty acid has reduced, resulted into change in
ratio of Omega6 fatty acid/Omega 3 fatty acid from 1:1 to 20:1. This
ratio is directly responsible for risk of obesity and the complications
occurring due to it. Omega 3 fatty acid decreases obesity. Absolute
levels of Omega 6 fatty acids and Omega3fatty acid is less important
than their ratio for obesity and their complications.
Due to agribuisness and modern agriculture, diet
contains high levels of Omega6 PUFAs but very low levels of Omega3PUFAs,
resulting in to change in their ratios from 1:1 to 20:1. Experimental
studies suggested that Omega3fatty and Omega6fattyacids have different
action on body fat through adipogenesis lipid homeostasis and brain gut
adipose tissue axis and systemic inflammation, including endothelial
dysfunction. Omega6 fatty acids increases cellular triglyceride by
increasing membrane permeability. Whereas Omega3 fatty acid has an anti
atherogenic effect by supressing lipogenic enzymes and increasing
A Diet high in Omega6 acid fatty acid/Omega 3 fatty
acid ratio causes an increase in the endocannabinoid signaling and
related mediators. This results in to increased inflammatory state,
energy homeostasis and mood. High intake of Omega 6 fatty acid in diet
results in to alteration in om6fa/om3fa ratio gives rise to
obesity,weight gain,and its complication.Om6 and Om3 fatty acids compete
with their biosynthetic enzymes. Higher levels of Omega6 fatty acids
increases leptin resistence and insulin resistance, whereas Omega3fatty
acids causes homeostasis and weight loss. So it is recommended to
increase intake of dietary Omega3fatty acid in diet and reduce intake of
Omega6fatty acids in diet to control their ratios. Over above this
endogenous level of Om6 and Om3 fatty acids also play a role.
Recycle oil in restaurant increases your level of
omega6fatty acid and which contribute the present increasing the
incidence of coronary artery disease. So the ratio of Omega6fatty acid
and Omega3 fatty acid indirectly plays an important role in health
hazards and our wellbeing. Thus an unbalanced Om.6/ Om3 ratio in favour
of Omega 6 PUFAs is highly prothrombotic and proinflammatory which
contributes the prevalance of Atherosclerosis, obesity and Diabetes Type
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