Milk Curd Syndrome: A Forgotten Entity_Juniper Publishers
Authored by Kashish Khanna
A full term neonatal baby girl presented with a
lumbosacral meningomyelocele and underwent successful excision and
repair. In the postoperative period, she developed abdominal distension,
bilious vomiting and did not pass stools. Conservative management for
ileus/intestinal obstruction failed. The abdominal exploration revealed
milk curd syndrome (MCS) as a cause of intestinal obstruction. This
article highlights the varied presentation of MCS and salient features
to differentiate it from other causes of neonatal intestinal
Abbreviations: MCS: Milk Curd Syndrome; SBE: Small Bowel Obstruction; NEC: Necrotising Enterocolitis; MMC: Meningomyelocele; TCA: Total Colonic Aganglionosis
Milk curd syndrome (MCS) is an unusual cause of neonatal small bowel obstruction (SBO) that was first described in 1969 [1].
Its incidence has decreased after the realization that avoiding formula
feeds rich in calcium and fat can prevent it, especially in a premature
baby. Lohn described 43 cases of lactobezoars upto 1980 but only 2
cases in the next 2 decades [2].
Even then, sporadic cases of MCS have been described in the literature
since 2000, causing not only SBO but also presenting with caecal
perforation [3], necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) [4] or gastric perforation [5]. Herein, we describe a case of MCS in a term neonate operated primarily for lumbosacral myelomeningocele (MMC).
Case Report
A full term baby girl weighing 2500 grams, delivered
by a lower segment caesarean section presented with a cystic swelling in
the lower back on her first day of life. The baby had already passed
urine and meconium. The antenatal, perinatal and postnatal history was
unremarkable. Clinically the child was diagnosed as a case of
lumbosacral MMC without any neurological deficits or hydrocephalus. This
was confirmed by an ultrasound of the spine and cranium. The child
underwent excision of the MMC with laminotomy and detethering of the
cord and she had an uneventful immediate postoperative period. Child
could not be breast fed postoperatively as her mother was admitted at a
peripheral hospital post caesarean section delivery, so formula feeds
(Lactodex) were started from the second postoperative day. On the fourth
postoperative day the child developed intolerance to feeds with bilious
vomiting, abdominal distension and constipation. Preoperatively the
child had passed meconium on day one of life and had normal stool
habits. A radiograph showed dilated small bowel loops and paucity of
bowel gas in the central and right lower quadrant (Figure 1a & Figure 1b).
A diagnosis of neonatal intestinal obstruction was
made and the child was managed conservatively for 24 hours. NEC was
unlikely as the baby was full term, appropriate for gestational age and
the sepsis screen was negative. A contrast enema ruled out atresia but
it showed a microcolon loaded with pellets. Since the child did not
decompress with repeated attempts of enema and had progressively
increasing abdominal distension, emergency exploratory laparotomy was
On laparotomy, the entire small bowel was grossly
dilated up to 10 cm proximal to the ileo-cecal junction with an abrupt
cut off, beyond which, terminal ileum and the entire colon was collapsed
and empty. A Meckel’s diverticulum present just proximal to the cut off
was also distended. At the region of transition, a firm bolus of
inspissated intra-luminal content was palpated that was extending
proximally and was also filling the Meckel’s diverticulum (Figure 2).
An attempt was made to milk the contents distally but failed. Hence, a
longitudinal enterotomy at the distal most portion of the transition
point was performed and the material (curdled milk) was extracted piece
meal. Distal bowel patency was checked and the enterotomy was repaired
transversely. A biopsy was also taken from the distal most enterotomy
site (Figure 2).
In the postoperative period, the baby developed burst
abdomen with fecal discharge from the wound and was therefore
re-explored. The enterotomy had given way and a double bARGHel ileostomy
with abdominal closure was done. Subsequently oral feeds were gradually
initiated and the baby was discharged. A suspicion of total colonic
aganglionosis (TCA) was raised. However, the colonic biopsy and a rectal
biopsy both ruled out aganglionosis.
After 3 weeks, the baby was not thriving well despite
adequate feeds due to the continued high stomal losses. Hence an early
closure of the stoma was performed at the age of 3 months. The child was
feeding well, had gained weight adequately and was asymptomatic at last
follow-up at 8 months of age.
MCS, inspissated milk syndrome, lactobezoar, milk
plug syndrome etc. are synonyms for a condition wherein the neonatal
small bowel gets impacted by a plasticine like gritty bolus occurring
possibly due to differential absorption of water and solid contents of
milk [6].
Cook and Rickham first described this in 1969 and subsequently Cremin
described the radiological aspects of this condition in 1970 [1,7].
This ssyndrome was fairly common during the era when formula feed were
manufactured by just drying of cow’s milk with around 70 case reports in
world literature by 1980. Subsequent understanding of the neonatal
physiology and modification of the composition of formula have made this
entity a rarity. Usually males are more commonly affected than females.
The earliest report described term babies developing MCS as seen in our
patient but, subsequent reports described nearly all cases in preterm
babies in whom high calorie feeds were initiated soon after birth [4].
The usual presentation is with features of small
bowel obstruction i.e. bilious vomiting, abdominal distension after the
neonate has passed through the stages of passage of normal meconium
followed by transition stools and normal milk stools. The peak incidence
of MCS occurs between 5 to 14 days of life. Our case also had a very
similar course and presented with frank features of SBO on day 6 of life
after having passed normal stools in the initial 1 week of life.
Abdominal x ray usually shows the characteristic
features of air intermixed with stools in the distal small bowel with
proximal distended bowel loops. A feature also common with meconium
ileus is the scarcity of air fluid levels. Paucity of air fluid levels
and a soap bubble appearance in abdominal skiagram were also noted in
this case.
A contrast enema should usually be done, both for
diagnostic as well as therapeutic purposes. It should be able to
distinguish the microcolon found in ileal atresia or proximal colonic
atresia. It can be therapeutic in cases of meconium ileus. In MCS, a
trial of gastrograffin enema may be tried initially based on the same
principle as that for treatment of meconium ileus. Generally however,
conservative methods fail and this necessitates surgical intervention in
the form of enterotomy and removal of the bolus. If diagnosed early,
simple milking of the contents distally may be sufficient. In cases
associated with perforation, resection and anastomosis may also be
TCA can have variable findings on contrast enema and
the exact differentiation based on contrast enema alone may be
difficult. Hence, apart from history and clinical examination, multiple
bowel biopsy and/or rectal biopsy are needed for confirmation. In our
case the contrast enema that was done prior to exploration did not have
any suggestion towards TCA except for microcolon but the history of
normal passage of stools initially and the intra-operative findings of
inspissated curdled milk were so classical that a diagnosis of MCS was
formed. Subsequently as the child developed a burst abdomen and
dehiscence of the enterotomy, we realised the importance of
intra-operative bowel and rectal biopsy. An appendectomy could also have
been done and sent for biopsy to look for ganglion cells, though
debatable in our case as the child had a prior surgery for neural tube
defect and preserving the appendix for later use was also important.
In retrospect, our case had few features similar to
meconium ileus, but on exploration, it turned out to be MCS. Though the
diagnosis of MCS was low on our index of clinical suspicion, diagnosing
it early in the course of treatment would not have changed the immediate
therapeutic strategies. An intraoperative bowel biopsy and rectal
biopsy ruled out TCA.
MCS though rare now days can still be a cause for
neonatal intestinal obstruction especially in formula fed neonates. It
is difficult to diagnose unless there is a high index of clinical
suspicion. Secondly, to differentiate it from other causes of intestinal
obstruction, a proper history of normal initial stool habits and intake
of formula feeds apart from radiological investigations and rectal
biopsy are of utmost importance in clinching the diagnosis.
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